Sunday, December 14, 2014

Church and then bus ride to Bicol

Day Ten

Ps John knocked on my door this morning to say that we are catching a taxi to church at 8am. Nyles stayed home with Cloud as he is only five months old and it's too much for him to be busy the whole day. I shouted coffee at a nearby coffee place, we asked for flat whites but they use creamer here and not real milk so it just ends up tasting like instant coffee- but hey at least it has caffeine in it! It took us over an hour to get to the South Church, feeling really excited an expectant for God to do something this morning. This morning we had a swap over service, so the worship teams swapped over and so it was a really good idea because many of the team from the North had never visited let alone worshiped at the South church and vice versa. I noticed here that in the morning service, everyone is pretty much running out the door afterwards. It's not like in N.Z. when church finishes, we hang around for at least 45minutes to chat with people. I found out that it's because most workers have to work 6 days and their only whole day off is Sundays so they want to get home to relax with family before the next week starts. After the service, we sat and had chicken adobo with the worship team and then we headed back home in one of the boys cars. When we got back home Ps John had a call from his family asking when we were going to arrive in Bicol. Ps John said after the phone call that he really feels that we should get to Bicol for her celebration as it is her 70th Birthday thats a pretty big milestone! So we decided that we could all go on the bus down. It is a 12hour bus ride and the bus is at 9pm so suits us well because Ps Johns mums Birthday celebration party is tomorrow afternoon. It only cost 1100 peso for the bus ride each and we had the whole of the back seat. It had air conditioning and a toilet on board which is handy! I went to the doctor before I came to the Phillipines and he gave me all sorts of pills- one of them was sleeping pills incase it would be too noisy to sleep! So I decided to take half a tablet so I could sleep right through the night. We stopped halfway through the trip at Mcdonalds. I woke up and was hungry, It took me so long to count my money I was very drowsy. I couldnt walk in a straight line it was really funny.

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